Course Reviews

David Chebbi

“Just finished this course and I am glad I dialed in, it wasn't super long or hard to understand but I definitely know the basics to brew some delicious coffee beers. Also, I think the guys were very good in explaining while also having a friendly ...”

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“Just finished this course and I am glad I dialed in, it wasn't super long or hard to understand but I definitely know the basics to brew some delicious coffee beers. Also, I think the guys were very good in explaining while also having a friendly appearance. Thanks a lot for this!”

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John Applegate

“Not only learned about coffee beers but a lot about coffee itself. Very well done.”

“Not only learned about coffee beers but a lot about coffee itself. Very well done.”

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Thor Sund

“Cant wait to try coffee beans in my next stout! Nice course”

“Cant wait to try coffee beans in my next stout! Nice course”

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About This Course

In the first part of this course, Joe Weiss will cover everything you need to know from a brewer’s perspective about coffee:

  • Where coffee comes from
  • How coffee is processed
  • How to roast your own coffee (3 ways)
  • How to find the right coffee profile for your beer

In the second part of this course, Karl Weiss will cover everything you need to know about adding those awesome coffee flavors to beer:

  • The pros and cons of different methods for imparting coffee flavors into beer
  • Coffee flavor impacts on beer
  • Beer styles that lend themselves to coffee additions
  • Complementary malts
  • Recipe considerations when you add coffee to beer

Course curriculum

  • 01

    About the Instructors & the Course

    Show Content
    • Meet the Instructors

    • About the Course

  • 02

    Coffee's Origins & Characteristics

    Show Content
    • Coffee's Origins & Characteristics

  • 03

    Coffee Processing Methods

    Show Content
    • Three Coffee Processing Methods

  • 04

    Flavors in Coffee

    Show Content
    • Flavors in Coffee

  • 05

    Roasting Coffee at Home

    Show Content
    • What to Look for in Unroasted (Green) Coffee Beans

    • Roasting Coffee

    • Cooling the Roasted Coffee Beans

    • What to Look for While You're Roasting

    • Storing the Roasted Coffee Beans

  • 06

    Why Use Coffee in Your Beer?

    Show Content
    • Why Use Coffee in Your Beer?

    • Add Coffee for Roasty Goodness

  • 07

    Beer Styles & Coffee Additions

    Show Content
    • Beer Styles and Coffee Additions

  • 08

    Recipe Adjustments to Accommodate Coffee Additions

    Show Content
    • Recipe Adjustments to Accommodate Coffee Additions

  • 09

    Coffee + Other Flavors

    Show Content
    • Coffee + Other Flavors

  • 10

    Adding Coffee in the Brewing Process

    Show Content
    • Adding Coffee on the Hot Side

    • Adding Coffee on the Cold Side

    • More Ideas for Adding Coffee

  • 11

    The Dry-Bean Method

    Show Content
    • The Dry-Bean Method—Adding Beans to a Fermentor

    • The Dry-Bean Method—Adding Beans to a Keg

    • The Dry-Bean Method—Getting the Beer off the Beans

  • 12

    Radar’s Roast Porter Recipe

    Show Content
    • Radar’s Roast Porter Recipe

    • Radar’s Roast Porter Recipe PDF

  • 13

    Thank You!

    Show Content
    • Thank You!

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